Update 5/28/2010

May 28, 2010 at 9:59 am

Had my PE yesterday (yipee and whew). I had a B-12 injection Wednesday evening and had begun to feel a little better, but the surface numbness on my arms and legs had moved up to my elbows and the tops of my calves (I told my wife it felt like something had been wrapped on my arms and legs … like plastic wrap). And I felt the surface numbness on my face too. The tips of my fingers, my toes and the bottoms of my feet were the worst and the numbness was very pronounced and deep.

The PE was pretty rough on me for some reason, my chest felt tight and I felt congested. I perked up quickly though after it was over (a couple of hours later).

I set up my next PE for 5 weeks and probably will have the second one on the 6th week. I don’t feel much like experimenting again for awhile unless I recover quickly … we will see.

I’m just thankful that I’ve been able to push it out to a 6 week cycle. PE is not very intrusive or traumatic and does great things for me in allowing me to recover. But it also does kinda suck being tied to the hospital and getting stuck with needles. And the thought of having to do this the rest of my life is not a happy thought. (Sorry for whining).

Here’s to recovery and Hoping for a cure …
