Treatment’s have begun
Thanks all for the replies. I’ve been out the last couple of days in a whirlwind of procedures.
I had my lumbar puncture Wednesday and begun my treatment with my 1st PE this afternoon. The second PE is tomorrow.
I’ve heard third hand that my neurologist is thinking pulse steroids may not be for me due to my glucose tolerance blood test. (I’m supposed to see him tomorrow and I will hopefully know more then). I am not diabetic so I’m not sure what that’s all about.
The lumbar puncture was not a big deal. During the PE though I had a drop in blood pressure (I don’t remember what that is called (v——–)). It was unpleasant, but corrected quickly and the procedure finished. I was told it probably won’t happen a second time.
I will repost as soon as I hear back from my neurologist about the pulse steriods and/or after my next PE.