The tests for ‘progress’ or ‘deterioration’

October 1, 2007 at 9:19 pm

are and always should be those basic ‘strength, reflex and prioperceptive’ tests. I was holding my own at first for the first year or two [even with PT] but after that [even on IVIG] it kind of ‘stabilized to am [I]almost reflex[I][/I][/I]
There is hope? My last neuro visit, my reflexes actually tried to reflex? It was as startling to me as my doc? I try to do all but the finger touch his hand then nose stuff with my eyes closed, so I don’t/can’t cheat…also I find I am more relaxed doing anticipations.
As for biopsies, web up ‘CIDP+Sural biopsy+ Policies’ or ‘CIDP+IVIG+ Policies” and from there after reading several major plans policies’ on CIDP diagnosis…you will find that most plans don’t cover it! They usually indicate about 10-20 diagnostic criteria and tests regarding diagnosis. Those other tests should be your ‘road map’ for testing etc. Skin biopsies are for some ins. plans accepted [many still feel they’re experimental tho]. But biopsies for nerves are only a confirmation that yep, nerves are dead. You meet the essential 9 of 10 criteria, you are in! Or 15 of 20, whatever. Good luck!