Thanks for your messages
Thanks, you guys.
The yard sales were very tempting; town-wide. I went out in the morning, nicely equipped with my rollator and lunch and water. I went here and there on one side of town, getting more and more tired, finally making it back with a burning right knee. I should have quit then. But after a cuppa and snack, there I was, outside again, going on to the other side of town. It was painful, and tiring, and I rested often, bought nothing at all there, and then had to make my way home, which was an ordeal. Now I’m paying for it.
The good yard-sale deals were: a new briefcase with no musty smell for 25 cents, a new bottle of bath soap for 50 cents, a nice digital phone for 25 cents, a very good stainless-steel potato-size pot for $1.00, a couple of classic CD’s for 50 cents and a dollar. So you see why I couldn’t quit. Temptation was everywhere, priming me for the slaughter by GBS.
But I am now wiser! Today is better, with less pain. Also… I don’t curse myself. Pain in itself is a cursed thing! To comfort us, the Bible says specifically, there will be no pain in Heaven. I’m glad you folks are also finding some pain-relief for yourselves and your loved ones. Take care.