Thanks for your comments.

October 11, 2006 at 1:20 pm

As I sit here and read your comments I am over run with emotion. This is not fun. Especially for a macho man like me. Ya know, I’ve never relied on anyone but my self. I’m a self made man and have always been able to carry the weight of the world on my back. My freinds and family call me Mr. Incredible. Mostly because I look like him (the older, heavier version), but I’ve always been mentaly and physically strong. I use to look at people with canes or limps or wheel chairs and judge. I would think “come on, get up! and get going!” Maybe this is my punnishment for being so judgemental? Anyway, it is what it is. I look forward to sitting for awhile as I have always been on the go. I know my family enjoys having me around more since I use to work 16 hrs a day. My montra was “work hard and play hard” now I just “sit hard!” But thats ok, It’s been a long time since I sat and took a deep breath and reflected on what is really important in this life.

I’ll see you in the Tavern next time.

Farmington Utah

I cant get my spell check to work. But thats ok, I have time to figure it out.