Thank u for all the main points. I hope it’s not too late, because…!
I heard that my uncle visited the restaurant (his business) yesterday. Tonight, he and my aunt were there again! Thanks for all the information, racer13! I hope that it’s not too late. My aunt told me that they are going to get back to the restaurant tomorrow and my uncle will place orders with the food companies. After reading what you wrote, I am freaking out! I am seeing everything happening the way you are warning us right now. It looks like he IS trying to get back to how things were before. 😮
I do agree with you that everything is too soon for him (it’s only been 1 1/2 month so far…) and he shouldn’t get back to work. I did tell him to rest, but he’s been not able to get much sleep! It is hard for him to fall asleep. Should he even try to take sleeping pills??? :confused:
p.s. He did not look too much different to me when he was on the bed in the hospital. But it was so obvious that he lost A LOT of weight when I saw him tonight. He used to be a somewhat chubby person. When I saw him tonight… his cheeks are gone like a skeleton and he is skinny as a stick. I think that my aunt once mentioned that he lost about 40 lb from GBS… 🙁