Such a sweet person

March 7, 2007 at 10:06 am

Hi Rocker,
Thank you for the very dear letter. It arrived just as I needed it. Love and hugs right back at you.

My brother is still in a wheelchair and staying with me, therefor I’m involved daily in his life. You opened a door for me that I will always appreciate. When Bill is recovered enough to return home I will stay in daily contact with him. Thank you for making me fully aware that this support is needed.

My experiance with our family members is that unless they are involved on a daily basis it seems to be easy for them to not realize all the difficulties Bill is experiancing at this time.

My suggestion to you, give some of your family this web sight address. It will help them to better understand your situation.

Write again and let me know how you’re progress is coming along.

Your Friend and knew family member,