
May 15, 2008 at 1:53 pm

Hello family,
I’ll speak up again to make clear a few things. From my heart, I was not being critical, I should have added that we need to respect the privacy of Gene’s family NOW, give them time and wait and see if someone from Gene’s family comes to the forum to talk to us. I sounded critical and stern because three times I have had to count the days and wait for a beloved family member to die, so I know what the family is going through. After my husband died, I wanted to be left alone for a year. I felt like screaming when the phone rang.

If Gene was on a mailing list, the foundation would have his address. I think it would be alright if someone printed out Gene’s goodbye post and mailed it to the foundation and asked them to mail it to Gene’s address. I think it would help the family to know how much Gene was loved.

If November comes and we still haven’t heard from the family, those of us who are going to the symposium could get together and discuss how we could honor Gene.


May 14, 2008 at 10:21 am

Hello family,
I am glad that Brandy (Donna) posted a reply. WE MUST RESPECT THE PRIVACY of Gene’s family. One of my strongest traits because I would ask the same thing for myself, is RESPECTING PRIVACY. One of my faults is that I think things over “after the fact”, so my best advice comes a few days later. Now, I feel like I shouldn’t have suggested contacting “old forum” senior members for a way to get in touch with Gene’s family. They know about Gene’s involvement in the forum and if one of them wants to thank us for being Gene’s other family, we must leave that up to them.

We can honor Gene by keeping his words alive, Take Care….Be Well and we can fall back on his posts to help our new members.


May 10, 2008 at 3:47 pm

Hello family,
The post from Gene said he had only weeks to live and not months, so that sounds like less then a month. I have Gene’s email address, but we must think about what the family is going through or has gone through. I doubt very much that they would answer an email. I don’t think we should do that.

I never knew his last name or had a home address for him. I only know what his profile said, southern california. If we had an address, we could try to set up a memorial for him. Even if our foundation has a name and address, they would be violating his family’s privacy by giving it to us. I don’t think they can. Our only hope would be that another of our senior members from the old forum has a home address, Jerimy, Lee Spurgeon, Brandy, Dick S, etc.
Take Care….Be Well


August 15, 2006 at 4:08 pm

Hello Jerimy,
You will be missed quite alot around here. You have been a really strong support for all who’s lives you have touched, and that includes me. I hope that the reason you need to leave is that you are moving forward with your life.

I, like all who know you, want you to stop by from time to time.

If you are going to the symposium, we’ll meet in person.