Snowed In!!
the georgian bay lake effect is piling dump after dump of snow on our town!
physio for me and school for the boys were cancelled, mama even stayed in and worked from home…I thought they were gonna drive me nuts at first as I enjoy my time alone:D , but in the end it was a good day
rooftops are piled high with snow, hardly a soul out tonight, fire keeps the home warm, family is happily occupied with something I dunno what, every bone and muscle hurts from three rounds of shoveling snow, but things feel cozy:) [I]I got my love to keep me warm[/I]
ms. judy- that was a sweet story, it put a smile on my face:)
happy snow-day!
Snowed In
I got the day off today and wonder about tomorrow as it has been doing winter stuff for 24 hours. Schools are already closed tomorrow. I braved going out once today to feed the birds and they gobbled it up very fast – even with my Tigger constantly jumping at the window. Oh, it is 17 degrees out with a NNW at 25 with gusts and snow is still falling.