SCT progress update
Dear All:
I am in Chicago at Northwestern Memorial and had my first round of treatment last night…an overnight chemo in preparation for stem cell harvest scheduled for late next week. I’d never had chemo before and have been so far pleasantly surprised…they premedicate you very well, both to avoid nausea and toxic effects on the lining of the bladder. So far it’s been more than tolerable. And they take excellent care of you…nursing staff, Dr. Burt’s staff, phleb techs (you see them A LOT) and so many others.
I will endeavor to keep you posted on my progress on this thread if any of you are interested.
PS: If you are thinking of doing this I really advise that you have a care giver/advocate at all times if you possibly can. They can be enormously helpful just as a second pair of ears (sometimes its hard for one person to take in so much new information) also for the little things…like getting your laundry done while you are an inpatient and doing other errands that your IV hook up prevents you from doing for yourself.