
July 24, 2006 at 11:00 pm

Hello Ben,
I have had EMG’s and NCV’s and you do feel them, but they ARE something you can tolerate, so try to convince yourself to have them done. I think it helps if you ask the doctor or whoever does the test to let you know when the test is almost over.


July 24, 2006 at 9:58 am

Hello Ben,
Welcome to your new family. There’s room for as many people who come here. I have to agree with what the other’s said, have a doctor do the tests to find out if you have CIDP. I have CIDP and I was never paralyzed, so that doesn’t always happen. I mainly have a “heck” (I’m a lady 🙂 of alot of numbness, tingling and prickling. If you wander into our TAVERN on this site, we’ll serve you MILK.