Reply To: SCT… What is the success rate.

August 28, 2012 at 2:43 pm

Linda M:

Thanks for that great story of recovery.  So glad you found something that worked for you.  I am only about 1 year into my CIPD journey and have mostly the “heavy leg” syndrome, can’t walk very far, fatigue very easily and trip over anything 1/4″ high on the ground (mostly on my left drop foot side).  I get what I call “electroshock” pains in my legs, ankles, bottom of feet that can happen every 30 seconds for 1 hour up to 18 hours in a row.  Vicodin seems to help the bad days but I know this is just covering up the problem.  I want it cured or at the least very minimal in my life so I can feel “normal.” I think I am better than most but after 2 loading doses of 50g for 5 days I have not seen much improvement in my symptoms.  I am scheduled for 6 sessions of 50g for 5 days every 8 weeks and then my neuro will see how IVIG is working.  Its nice to know and hear about success stories of stem cell transplant – gives me possible hope for others as a treatment if IVIG, etc doesn’t work.

Could I ask you the length and complications of your sct treatment…how was the chemo part I read about in the treatment?  Did your insurance cover it? 

Thanks again for your info to my numerous questions.


Rick D