Reply To: Prednisone journey blog

June 4, 2012 at 9:55 am

Willem, I was originally supposed to start IVIG but it was not affordable. I have medicare and the copay portion was greater than my pocketbook, so I opted for a cheaper treatment. You are right, the side effects of corti-costeroids can be devastating over a long term. It is still my hope that a shorter burst of treatment, followed by a drawdown can be effective.

On other notes, I suffered through a summertime flu or bad cold or something. I had several headaches, a fevery achiness, sore throat, and overall tiredness. I felt like pooh. I started feeling better over the weekend, and now I ran into another sleepless night. 0 for Sunday night. I guess that means I will be groggy on Monday.
A h-h-h-h the vagaries of prednisone.