Reply To: Not diagnosed..need help.

June 12, 2012 at 12:01 am

It’s very easy to appeal to your insurance company. First, your dr needs to draft a letter stating that the additional MRI’s are necessary to dx you. It will be cheaper to do them all at the same time – so that will appeal to the insurance company. Usually it works & you don’t need to take additional steps.

I think it’s pretty crappy that some person in a cubicle gets to decide what tests/treatments are necessary. I think that should be left up to the dr’s – after all that’s what they went to medical school for. Insurance companies are in the business to make money – it’s the way the system is set up.

We have been VERY fortunate that our insurance company hasn’t given us any problems with covering Emily’s treatments/tests. (KNOCK ON WOOD!)

Good luck!