Reply To: My story

May 29, 2012 at 12:30 am

Hi Nick-
I hope you are beginning to feel better at this point. So much of your story I can relate to. I do not have the stomach issues, but I do have everything else you are experiencing. I am also in the tri-state area and searching for a doctor who can help me. I have been seeing the “top neurologist” at University of Penn, but although he said I have GBS he said it is a mild form and made me feel like most of what I am experiencing is in my head. I have been bed ridden for 4 months at this point- going from a very active 29 year old in excellent health to having difficulty picking my child up from his crib. I have turned to this web site looking for answers… I posted about my experience earlier today asking for suggestions. Have you had any luck with any doctors in our area? Have you started to have any relief after the IVIG treatments (I am afraid I too and to far past the point where this will help.)