Reply To: Looking for answers- doctors making me feel like I am crazy
I am so sorry.. gosh that breaks my heart just reading it!!! I know exactly how you feel.. I had an ALS scare with all of this (the first dr I saw said he thought I might have ALS..on a friday afternoon and said “we’ll do the emg on monday, try to relax this weekend” HAA!!!!! talk about a mental breakdown, with a 4 month old baby and another child under 2.. I was a wreck.. my emg was normal..well a little demylination.. but no ALS.. three EMG’s later.. and every dr saying i defintely don’t have ALS.. i am wracked with fear daily that I really do have it.. that the dr’s are missing something! I seriously have PTSD from that dr’s visit.. wish I could have amnesia of that event! I was told my first emg looked like a 90 year old.. but yet no treatment was offered up.. i was 30.. functioning like a 90 year old just isnt’ ok if there is a possible fix out there – we need to get to work trying!! KEep me updated (i am usually on the cidp section of this forum and only occasionally check over here).. good luck!!!