reply to Kathryn
July 24, 2006 at 1:09 am
I was diagnosed with CIDP in Nov and am receiving immunoglobin infusions every 3 weeks. I suffer from extreme pain(hot swords running in and out of my hands, arms, legs and feet) in my legs, arms and sometimes the left side of my face. I have lost all sensitivity in hands and feet…but the pain continues relentlessly. My doctor gave me cymbalta and it does help some. I’ve tried lyrica, neurontin, etc. and also had some very bad side affects. I am not diabetic. This illness is progressive and debilitating! I hope you find something to take the pain away. When my pain becomes overwhelming I take 1mg of dilaudid. It knocks me out for a few hours, but keeps the pain subdued for about 6 hours. Ginnylee8:)