Reply To: Inquiry

July 10, 2012 at 3:54 am

Hi Candr,
We do try to keep as close to possible to that diet. I mostly cook from scratch and we try, operative word, try to avoid sugars as much as possible. We also did alot of allergy testing with a blood test called ELIZA and we have removed foods that he has sensitivities to. Honestly he is much better since we removed those foods. How often will you be getting treatments? Is it 120 grams or micrograms? What college do you go to? You may already know this but just in case, if you are due to take any immunizations, you no longer can. It would be ineffective with the ivig and somewhat questionable for people with autoimmunes. One day I am going to set my mind to it and research if people getting ivig actually get the immunities of immunizations from the donors?

About your gait improvement. It took only three days to go from not being able to walk, to running down the hall. But it did take a few months before he was able to balance on the trampoline and play basketballl. I would say at the end of the first year things were pretty back to normal. I can confidently say that although this disease made him suffer and weaker initially, it has made him stronger beyond belief in regards to courage, determination and without a doubt in the compassion department. It was nice chatting with you, I can tell you are a strong determined individual!!