Reply To: Have you forgotten I have CIDP?
Thank you both. I have not been able to go to the movie theater in many years since my legs may need to be elevated. I have been going to my friend’s house out in the country when I can and then I can leave when I have to. It’s the noise and her energy that is overwhelming (noise when in public bothers me). She has been a dear pal and I realize I must structure my time with her. She just does not get it how ill I am. I’ll figure out how we can get together and how to graciously excuse myself when I’m ready to go home. I value this 35 year friendship too much to let it go completely.
In the last 6 months the CIDP has slammed me and I’m trying to still do the same stuff. The lovely heavy weight of CIDP fatigue is always present even after a good night’s sleep. I’d say the majority of my friends and neighbors have no seen this latest development because I’m always wearing a smile. Some people can not see something unless it has unfortunately happened to them.
More and more I enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of my home where I can do what when I want.