Reckon magee is right…’s not easy.

December 14, 2010 at 12:44 pm

No easy answers. That’s probably why it took six days before anybody answered your plea for help.

I’ve had AFOs since 1980, or so. There are many times that I simply don’t wear them.

For example, when I go to Alaska to visit family I carry my AFOs in my backpack. When I go outside in the snow I walk around with my snow boots and without any AFOS. Maybe I’m lucky, I’m able to walk without them.

When I’m sitting in the car, and especially, if I’m driving the car, I do not wear AFOs. I put them on when I get where I’m going.

For other occasions I don’t mind changing. For me, you’ve given yourself a tough restriction in hoping not to change when you get to work.

I’ve heard….I call it ‘somebody’ said, wear above the ankle lace up boots and then lace them up tightly. That way they tend to act as a kind of AFO.

Alternatively, pick your favorite pair of boots, work with the AFO supplier as mentioned above, and get the type of brace that fits outside your boot. Trouble is, once they are built , you are stuck with them.

Arrggh, there is another option. Get a smaller lighter, leaf spring style AFO, without hinges, and it might fit inside your boot without sticking to the lining. Refer to the attachment.