I have had many emergency room vists due to peanuts being in things I did not know about, also seafood. Read every label, ask restaurant staff if they use peanut oil to cook with and request that they do not cook your food with any food you are allergic to like seafood boiling in water that is used to cook pasta.
Those types of allergies are very dangerous. If not treated quickly they can be fatal.
I keep liquid Benadryl on hand always as it works way faster than pills do.
I cannot take Epinephrine due to Cardiac Arrhythmia.
Benadryl is the quickest remedy and needs to be taken as soon as the person is aware that an allegic reaction starting. Mine usually start with my throat burning, then my nose runs.
If just a few more minutes go by I get asthma as loud as a train and huge pain in my chest and stomach. Don’t let it go that far. Its at a critical level by then.
Benadryl will make you sleepy but thats not usually a problem unless you’re driving.