
April 7, 2010 at 9:02 pm


They did some new blood work called PCR. According to my niece who is a veterinarian, this is the new thing. Instead of checking for anibodies against a virus or whatever, it checks for DNA anywhere in the body. Selah testing positive PCR means that she still HAS the virus. This is crazy. Dr. Mendell never stopped Selah’s ivig, he has just been spreading it out. She got weekly for a long time and then we went to every other week and then we she cried in the night, we went back to weekly and then now back to every other week. He wants her to go to every three weeks. He does not change the dose, he just spreads out. Now that I know about the arthritis, I would be more willing to go to every third week, but the experimental thing that they are doing for Fifths disease arthritis is high doses of ivig over 5 days and then maybe another 5 day dose two weeks later. Selah does so much better with weekly, 2 hour infusions. No one that I have talked to has ever heard of someone having a virus for 1 1/2 years and not gettting over it.