Illegal ALiens are draining SSI and SS as fast as they can. We have come to the pits in this country. Talk of family values and christianity from our man in the white house is a sad joke. A country who treats it lower class of wage earners the way we are being treated is immorality at its best and on judgement day these family value people who cheated to get into office will have alot of answering to face up to right before they are cast into the hottest hell. Lets take America back folks and make it what it is supposed to be. I put 8 gallons of gasoline in the car yesterday and it cost 20 dollars. Now, how is that for kicking the lower wage earners while they are down. 🙁 I don’t care much for these rich DRS who are happy as a lark while the stock market rides high and we ride lower and lower. Prayers to you oneeyegeo and to the rest of the lower income earners on this thread.