Not a problem

February 13, 2007 at 4:01 pm

Nate was approved for Social Security Disability on the first try. He didn’t qualify for SSI because his doc put him on State Disability.
State Disablity ran out in january so we re appplied for SSI. He didn’t qualify for that until he gets rid of his 401k.
Then he will.
In the meantime, he is still on SSA Disablitity with a raise to compensate the lack of State Disablity checks.
As long as your doctors state everything clearly and that you have a long recovery time with possibly permenent health problems, it should not be hard to get on SSA.
Just contact your local SSA office and they can do the interview on the phone unless you can come in. The had Nate sign a form allowing me to do his interview and fill everything out since he was still hospitalized.
It usually takes 5 mos to get approved, so don’t wait long.