I don’t have GBS but my son Nate does.
I got Tinnitus from a drug called Plaquenil when I was first diagnosed with Rheumaroid Arthritis.
If you haven’t already gone to see your doc about it, do. They need to run tests and see if you have nerve damage in your inner ears or see if its from medication or what.
I have a noise maker I can use also. It has crickets, water, ocean waves,etc.
It helps me but I let Nate borrow it to try to relax when his head hurts really bad.
I use a fan mostly at night on low. It helps me a lot.
Thank you, Thats exactly what it sounds like. I have a small sound machine that I use if we are staying overnight somewhere. I will try it at home. It is always there but the TV being on or me sewing helps drownn it out. I am sorry to hear your’s is irreversible. I don’t know if this is just part of the GBS process or not. Thank you again,Diane