No problem Kerwin~

May 8, 2009 at 3:35 pm

No problem Kerwin! My father whom passed away in 2002 was a retired Master Sergeant for the US Army! He was also a POW in the Korean War for 39 1/2 months. Got discharged but reinlisted a week later and he served in the Vietnam War. Let’s just say you met an Army Brat! LOL! My dad’s brother too was Army and retired and both of them were in the VFW. I learned alot from them. My father also bought me a lifetime membership to the Ladies Auxilary. So I every now and then I help out with the cookouts they have! They like my Southern Boiled Potatoes and my Chocolate Cakes I make! 3 times a year I am cooking 20 pounds of potatoes and 4 cakes for them. That’s each time the 20 lbs of taters! Hefty eating crew! Hugs
Linda H