
September 24, 2010 at 11:45 pm

I have been on this forum for almost 9 years & have probably seen hundreds of GBS & CIDP people come & go. The GBS patients or more likely, their families, come here in desperation at the early stages of a devastating illness that they cannot even begin to comprehend. They need a lot of help in the beginning, because GBS hits so quickly & so totally. I have watched as their loved ones slowly get better, & finally they leave when recovery is reached. This is as it should be. Remember, the stats say that 80% of classic GBS cases make a full recovery…

The CIDP people come here with so many unanswered questions, as CIDP is much harder to dx, & the symptoms can be so varied. Many go on to find out that what they thought was CIDP later turns out to be CMT, MS ALS, etc. I have answered the same questions more times than I care to admit; I had over 2,000 posts before the sight crashed about 3-4 years ago. If a person has GBS & makes a full recovery, why would they stay on a forum like this for years? Or if a person has CIDP & it is reasonably managed by IVIG or another treatment, they will go on & live life. So it does tend to be those with incomplete recoveries who remain here, or the more severe cases of CIDP. It doesn’t mean that they are negative people, that is just the way it is. I stay just to help out others who are new to these illnesses…