Reply To: New To GBS

July 30, 2008 at 1:52 pm

Scott, GBS is as hard on our caregivers as it is for us. The more education people have around GBS, the easier it is to be supportive. By coming here you are educating yourself. I would suggest you encourage your wife and family to visit here as well. There is a forum specifically for caregivers and family. The folks there share the hardships and joys of caregiving. There are no easy answers. Your wife may just need someone she can share her fears with, anxieties and frustrations as well.

There is also the option of counselling, both individually and as a couple/family. It sometimes help if you are in a place where it is safe to just let go and vent. There are good people out there who can help you work through this process.

I wish you and your family good luck and hang in there. As some of us say…Keep on keeping on!