Reply To: new to GBS
I’m all for alternative medicine and natural healing, however GBS can progress rapidly and is a serious condition that can require hospitalization. Often when we get ill, insurance is the first thing that comes to mind. I suffered from GBS in 1972 at the age of seven. My family had no health insurance at the time. One day, I was running around playing with my neighbors and by the next evening I was paralized from the neck down and on a ventilator with double vision. My family is so thankful that when other hospiatls rejected me due to no insurance, St. Mary’s in Huntington W.Va put my life above all else. I was hospitalized over a month and spent many months in therapy, learning to walk again. In 1972 GBS was extremely rare and I was of three children who were struggling to survive, after one child passed away, that child’s doctor flew from Mexico to assit with me and a boy in Florida. We survived because of him, he fought as hard as we did and used his own money and time to get me on the latest respirator at that time.
As much faith as you want to have in natural healing at all, you have to have faith in the medical community. They may know something you don’t, it would be in the best interest to look into every avenue and not just one.
By the way, I have never looked at that time in my life as a negative. It made me a better person, a stronger person. My family will tell you it did the same for them.