Reply To: Recovery??
Welcome, Annie. I have been away from these boards so long I feel a little strange about saying “Welcome” but anyway, glad to meet you.
I was diagnosed about 4 years ago, Ist treated with pred/IVIG x 1 round/methotrexate, but quickly moved to methotrexate alone. I have had nothing for over a year except 2 or 3 little short courses of prednisone and one half-round of IVIG 6 weeks ago. The problems come and go and I think “Hey! If it went away before it will go away again.” The main problem I have now is fatigue in the afternoons, some clumsiness, and poor core strength. 6 weeks ago I had chronic hoarseness and couldn’t get a deep breath–clearly time to take action. It comes and goes. I just try not to capsize on the waves.
I have heard of another person, was it Gertrude? who has had CIDP for decades and went 8 years between episodes once. Am I right? Does anyone else recollect this?
You might be over it for good though, especially if you are a young’un.