They have several types of call buttons. Some that are right on the controler for the tv and some that are operated by a patients mouth. One like i used after I was able to move a tiny bit was the soft touch button and they can put it next to your hand or hip or tape it to your shoulder so you can just lay your head against it or tape it to your pillow or to your night gown. Just talk to them about your concerns and they can work something out. Placing her in a room near the Nurses station might be an option if she can make a noise with her tongue like a click. That takes strong muscles that she may not have yet. The get pretty inventive. I had a few days that I moved my foot and the bed pan fell. Staff is inventive!
I agree with everyone’s posts. Please make sure you Mother gets plenty of rest. Some of the odd movement you might be seeing as she starts to come back out of being paralized is the muscles are not very very weak and she will have not strenght in her muscles. The head being so heavy and the neck muscles weakend it is hard to hold the held up straight let alone hold it still. As she starts to move and reach you will also see jerking and shaking until those muscles build up strenght again.
Take care of yourself and remind your Dad to take a day off here and there and you should do the same once your Sister is in the area. Taking care of the care givers is so important! Too many visitors at one time is too exhausting to the GBS patient.
Keep in touch with us and ask those other questions, we are up to it!