Luxourious Luncheon

August 14, 2007 at 6:00 pm

😉 I’ll polish the silver, get out the damask tablecloth, buy some romantic napkins to go with the other colours on the table, set out the more than 100 years’ old glasses and English (Sheffield) stoneware, go hunting for the lovliest and most decorative flowers – and greenery – from my own and – really – my neighbours’ gardens and invite up to 27 of you (that’s how many plates I have of the kind on the photograph) to come over the Pond for lunch. Please give me some ideas for what to serve – and what kind of wines you prefer. Coffe and “native” cakes later, before you return.

Wow – my delight to-day was getting such a positive response to my photo of my luncheon table – it was such a nice party too!:)