Loss Of Answers

February 26, 2007 at 9:51 pm

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🙂 Hi, I watched my son loose use of one finger at a time to go to drop wrist then atrophy in his left arm. he lost the use of his fingers in 4 months, but all this in less than 1 year. He has been having IVIG every week since Jan “05” He is now 7 yrs old. They have now found that his last two toes are starting. I cant bare to watch him loose another part of his body. The only thing I see that IVIG is doing for him is his stamina, he’s stronger and not as tired and doesnt have as much pain. He says he still pains, but he tells me its not as bad, so he just deals with it. What an amazing little guy. He keeps me strong. He tells me that we’ll find a doctor that will help his hand. He doesn’t let me give up, so don’t you either. We have been to sooooooo many doctors and we won’t stop till we find someone to help that cares!!!!
My sons eye also seems to be involved, dr’s just want to piece meal him and I believe its all related. He did get diagnosed with CiDP at Mayo in Rochester, Minn. Hang in there. Your in our prayers!