leg cramps

January 14, 2008 at 11:23 pm

I have CIDP and I’ve had a lot of leg cramps and what I describe as “weird feelings” in my legs. They can feel like a burning or little knives or whatever. The doctor told me all this is normal for any type of nerve disorder. He said in his experience that both GBS and CIDP have it. I tried some painkillers for a while, but, it didn’t really help, so now, I just live with it. Occasionally, it still surprises me.

leg cramps

January 10, 2008 at 10:04 pm

I have been having some leg cramps or what feels like a charlie horse coming on but never does. It’s painful and it’s a nag. I found this cream at Walmart called DHS cream, and its for neuropathy pain in the feet and legs. It’s over by the diabetic stuff and it cost me about $ 7.00. I have found that If I rub my legs and feet down with this and put on my compression hose, it calms down the pain.

Leg cramps

June 14, 2006 at 10:49 am

I do get leg cramps in various areas on ocassion-I take a potassium pill, and my doctor suggest bananas will help also.. Somewhere I read that an exercise bike will help also-however, not everyone recovering from GBS can do that. If the pain is really bad, an aspirin will help it right away. elayne

Leg Cramps

June 12, 2006 at 11:20 pm

I get leg cramps at night, but mine are from LACK OF ACTIVITY and they are not so bad that they bring me to tears. They can make me say ohhhhhh or owwwwww though.