I take it right at bedtime, but should probably take it a half hour before. I don’t know wy it would cause heart palpitations, but would definitely talk this side effect over with your PCP. I also take it in the morning & again at 3:00, but remember I take it for anxiety disorder, not for my CIDP. So I am taking 3 mg a day total, which is quite a large dosage. But like I said, I have been on that dosage for 10 years now & not had to up it.
I take klonipin for anxiety disorder, have taken it since 1996. But after I got CIDP in 2002 I did notice it was listed right after Neurontin as one of the anti-seizure meds that is given for nerve pain. It is used as a sleep aid as well, so will make you drowsy if you are not used to it. What are you taking it for? If it is for nerve pain, then neurontin (gabapentin) works much better.