
July 9, 2010 at 5:41 pm

So sorry about yours & your husband’s situation. Been there. I will pray for you both. Beleive in the power of prayer. Have been on both sides of illnesses, it does hurt more to see your spouse suffer.
Love, smitty


June 23, 2010 at 2:33 pm

Hello welcome to your GBS/CIDP family. You are not alone! Maybe it doesn’t really matter what causd it although I can understand if we knew the cause, we could find the cure. I have not had cancer & radiation, I did get bitten by a spider 30 + years ago. It was never seen, the Dr. said it was a brown recluse. In my oppinion you really should have had a loading IVIG of 5 in 5 days, then one every 3-4 weeks. And lots of B-12. We are all glad that you can walk like a duck. By the way do you also have hair loss, difficulty swallowing, metal taste in your mouth, loss of appetite?
You are in my heart & in my prayers.
Love, smitty