Just my take on all the posts!
Hi! to all and a hugh hug to all. Fairly odd mother I am sooooo glad you got good news at the Dr. and are starting to feel better. I know I read it has been only a little over 2 yrs. since your diag. Is that true? Are you able to walk on your own and have you always been able to? I walk with a rollator, I cannot drive and have to depend on others to go anywhere.
I too feel like all I never say is how bad I feel and I know my family gets tired of hearing it. When I’m out & see friends, they say you look GREAT! :p Don’t I wish they would have to walk in my shoes. I’m sorry if that sounds bitter but you all know exactly what I mean & how it makes me feel to hear “you look GREAT!”:rolleyes:
I take Zoloft & who knows if I have side effects! I am on so many meds the only thing I have noticed is the weight gain, sided effect of lyrica & emuron.
I am really enjoying reading all of your posts & can so relate to you all & wish you sall well.