Just got approved for SSDI benefits
My claim for SSDI was approved on the first try, thirty days after my in-person interview with SSA. I followed the recommendations of many on this forum whose advice I greatly appreciate. I also spent a lit of time preparing for the interview by filling out the forms SSA sent me (also available on line).
Here’s what I did: 1) scheduled the appointment for 5 months after I had to stop working; 2) collected all the relevant medical records from my doctors and made copies to submit at the interview; 3) submitted letters from two of my docs explaining my impairments and how they prevent me from working and that my condition is not expected to improve for at least two years, if ever; 4) compiled lists of all my Rx meds, names of prescribing physicians and what the meds are for; 5) compiled a list of all the physicians, hospitals, and IVIg providers that have treated me in the last four years; 6) provided a list of all my jobs in the past 15 years with descriptions of exactly what I did in each.
I also provided an explanation of CIDP that was posted on this forum along with an explanation of IVIg and my schedule of infusions (every two weeks).
I think having all of this information typed up made it easier for SSA and the state disability determination agency to get the full picture.