Jeffery’s Mom

January 12, 2007 at 9:04 pm

Hi Lori, My son Jeffery (8) is going to be getting a port soon, we just have to wait until we meet our deductable so it will be covered 100% which should be within the next few months as his treatments alone will meet it. His dr was hesitant also, we finally got him to agree as Jeff has had so many polks, his veins are getting alot of valves and it takes serveral polks and he is terrifed every time he has to get his treatments that he breaks out in hives. We will use the Emla cream when he gets his port so he won’t feel any pain, only presure. I am sure that will help. I have seen the broviac on other children and I would be afraid he or someone else would pull it out. At our out patiant hospital we have what they call Child Life, they really help with Jeff they explain what a port is and how it works and the procedure to put it in. You may want to ask. Good luck I know it is a hard decision.