ivig timing
I started having ivig just every 12 weeks for my first year(standard dose 2kg per lb) I was able to do it in 2 days verses the standard 5 days–was told this basically depends on your age, health, kidney functions. I think a lot of the treatment plans really depend on whether your Dr. is conservative or aggressive in the treatment. I’ve done a lot of internet reading–i think insurance is a biggie in the ivig industry, how bad your cidp is—if its not as progressed seems it isnt treated as aggressively– plus it appears different antibodies respond differently to it. I read on one site that in some cases it is good to let the antibodies “settle” before each round of ivig?? So really its a hard call for us AND the Dr.s to know whats going to work. Each case is so unique. I was recently switched from every 12 to every 6 weeks, just had my first treatment that was 6 not 12 weeks apart and noticed a BIG difference in strength and energy. by the way— im treated in Ma too—at Lahey—excellent dr there. Dr srinivasan–neuromuscular dr. Hope all goes well for you, its hard to give advice with this type of disease as it is so different for everyone–so I’ll just share my experiences and read others experiences to learn–hope this helps : ) Lori