Infusion 3 Rituxan

March 4, 2010 at 9:52 pm

I am trying to watch what I eat and drink this time.
I had a light breakfast of a couple of cinnamon rolls.
At the hospital , had a pack of cheese crackers.
Drank a Root beer.
Drank lots of fluids this morning and made several trips
to RR during infusion.
Home again, safe trip.
ate some yogurt, water, and took a short nap
Ate some yogurt and a couple crackers with peanut butter
Took a benni dryl, and ate some anti-acid stuff.
Took a prescription nausea pill.
When I get the munchies, it will be yogurt this time,
not everything in the house.

Strength is good, kept my feet and legs under full support in the recliner today, and have no numbness or tingling in them tonight.

Stomach is so so, a bit of gas, belching now and then.
Will be taking a zanax, to help sleep later.
Tired, but not sleepy, but it is a bit early and I had that nap.