I know what you mean
Nate still can’t stand long enough to go like we do. He still uses a urinal.
I guess he will get there when he’s ready.
The part hid PT person explained about the nerves not sending complete signals helped me understand a little better what was going on with his muscles getting injured so easily.
His PT person explained that one to me that if the muscles are getting either stretched too far or hyperextended, they don’t know how far they’re going and can’t tell you, thus they get injured.
I just wish the knees going out from under him would stop. Its scary.
There are so many things to learn about and understand with GBS. Its a never ending learning experience, not one anyone should have to learn though.
Nate tried wearing his new size 16 New Balance shoes we found at Famous Footwear today. The right one went on easily enough but then his toes started hurting from his shoe rubbing on them. His toes want to curl under.
I guess his new shoes will take some getting used to. At least he wore them for about 2 hrs, then went to Walmart with one shoe on and his AFO on the other.
It looked funny but hey, nothing is normal with him and he didn’t care either.
I’m going to take them with me to the AFO place when we go back. Maybe Bert can do something with them to make them not hurt.
Trudy, natesmom
I know what you mean
I know what you mean. Those that don’t have CIDP can’t understand how tired we get and everything else we go through on a daily basis. I am sorry that you are going through this but I was glad to see that there are people that understand. I needed to see that today. I had a meltdown today because I can’t do what I normally do around the house. I am in a wheelchair (not due to the CIDP) and now my arms aren’t strong enough to do anything I normally do. So anyway, I am glad that we have a place to vent. Take care.:)