I have some problems too
While I was in my walking stage before I went backward s I found it difficult in many ways. Going down was somewhat OK but when it came time to go up a hill I couldn’t do it. I could only do stairs. Regarding shoes This is the hardest I have gone to many a shoe store and tried to find a shoe but most took one look at me and told me they could not help me and to go somewhere else the only place I could go is to athletic places. I still think it sucks as right now it is really hot and I have to wear medical stockings and 2 AFO’s and running shoes. I can’t wear sandles or anything. I guess that is wise as I have no feeling to my feet and no motor control and it would be dangerous. But it sure is hot for the upper part of my legs. There should be some line of shoes out there that accomadates AFO’s and makes It more bearable for all of us needing to wear AFO’s.