How to Figure Out a New Vocational Game Plan
One approach to a vocational realignment is to conduct interest and skill assessments and then to superimpose this with the doctor’s short and long-term restrictions, and weigh-in on alternate ways for you to perform specific tasks using technology, reassigning tasks to other employees, and negotiating accommodations to work schedules, parking, travel schedules, and other dimensions (where reasonable).
Assessments are available through college and university Disabled Student Services departments, Dept. of Vocational Rehabilitation services, psychologists, OneStop Worksource Development Centers, and online through a Dept. of Labor Onet Online tool you can access free at where you can conduct an assessment by self-identifying statements that are true of you, then search for occupations that match your experience, training, and interests.
A large component of success is that you enjoy the type of work, the setting, the culture, pace, and tools or technology used to execute your role. Once you self identify the things about you that are true of you, you can then generate a list of matching occupations that you are suited for, sifting through them to eliminate the most physical positions, and identify whether any additional training is required to position you as a competitive candidate for that job. Focus on the In Demand jobs with green logos next to the list, as DOL data projects significant market growth and job opportunities over the next 10 years for that role and within that sector. By comparing these sectors, you will notice you will do almost the exact same thing in one sector and earn dollars and dollars an hour more doing it. Also, the technology, amount of desk or office time could vary considerably. By scrolling down to the bottom of the occupation you clicked on, you will see a drop-down menu where you can select the state you live and work in. By selecting your state for this profile, you will see what your skills are worth, and in many cases can watch a video of a worker performing the job, and these requirements are described in good detail. Can you imagine yourself performing these tasks and enjoying it? What are the things you might find difficult?
Be aware that there is a lot of technology that can augment our endurance issues. This technology can be explored by contacting your local Dept. of Rehabilitation office to inquire about the nearest show room, or expert in your area to discuss your options with you. A physiatrist, occupational therapist, and/or a physical therapist will be helpful in helping you adapt the job to your physical needs.
Another important component is the job accommodation options. For this information, check out the Dept. of Labor’s Job Accommodation website, which you can access online or via toll-free phone number, email an expert or speak live to get ideas on how to adapt your existing job successfully and reasonably, [url][/url] .
Also on this site is information about job protections, and how to play a game of chess to retain the job once you have it, especially if you must miss time from work to regenerate, or to attend medical appointments. Job sharing, flex schedules, working from home on occasion, work from home by creating your own business, returning part-time and then adding hours gradually as you settle back into employment again, are other options. You can look up the type of barrier by medical condition, and then read about how others solved this challenge in different settings and jobs. From this you can gain ideas on how to do the job differently but still get the job done. Are there physical tasks in the present chosen field that you can do differently with a tool or strategy, or if it’s not a core functional requirement, could this physical task be reassigned to another employee in the department?
Generally, recovery from this group of disorders in the GBS family is slow so the limitations you might have the day you first return to work many not be limitations six months, a year, or two years following your return date. If you are an out-of-doors person, there are many alternatives to a desk job, and a portable stool or chair can be negotiated so you can sit down periodically. Through negotiation of accommodations a lot of us can return to work and then increase the hours slowly, thereby bridging our way back into successful employment.
The use of a scooter, rearranging equipment you use at work and home at better reaching heights and distances, eliminating distances or excessive walking, getting assistance with dressing, bathing, grooming needs, simplifying this routine so you don’t wear yourself out before you get to work, helps. Clothes laid out at night, showering at night in coolish water, then awakening to dress in one location at a dressing station. Good nutrition, small meals stretched through the day (5) designed for simplicity, and balanced in nutrition helps, too. Taking a rest in a quiet place during the workday, negotiated onsite or executed in the back of your automobile, are other options.
Best wishes with your new adventure. I hope this is useful information.