Hospital wouldn’t admit me….
John and Chrissy..
The ER doctor wouldn’t admit me after I broke my ankle. Told me not to walk on it. When I told the nurse I had Guillain Barre and no strength in my arms or legs, lived alone, and begged them to admit me, she went to talk to the ER rent-a-doc, and he told her NO. Did not even take my blood pressure which was soaring. I fell on my ankle because my legs were getting paralyzed.
So crawling at home seemed to be the only thing I could do. John, I have not slept in my bed since Oct 9th. It is a tall 100 year old brass bed and I fear getting on and off of it. I can’t wait to get in the tub and then sleep in my bed. You are lucky to have a PT and friends to advise you. Chrissy, I can identify with your situation of living alone. You are so blessed to have had family and friends to help. I have been living alone here. My best friend stops by every 2 weeks to help out for a few hours. Her boyfriend comes once every 7-10 days to get me groceries. I really needed someone to stay over the first few nights, but he was unable because his cat would get lonely. It has been a dark night of the soul. Scary and painfully lonely.
Chrissy, when I got GBS the first time – 20 years ago – I taught Monday, WEd, and Friday….due to the fatigue and difficulty walking. The superintendent gave me a poor rating because of my absences for a few months. But when I went in,I did plans or the next day so the students did not miss any of their education. WHen I told him what I had, he said that if I weren’t hospitalized, then I should not be absent! Guess he never was really sick…… I feel for you, Chrissy, in losing your job.