i have a handbook “for the lay person” from the gbs/cidp foundation. it’s been in my bathroom for months now, i keep forgetting to bring in new reading material……. sooooo i’ve read through the book more than a few times and it state that approx. 20% of all patients diagnosed with CIDP do not have elevated CSF.
I’m Eric.
46 kinda newly diagnosed w CIDP? I’ve run the gammet of Prednisone, now IvIg and am feeling worse and worse, but praying about ot.
In my time in the Infusion Center, I’ve talked w about 8 CIDP sufferers, all of which developed the Disease as a reaction to a vaccine (apparently) BUT NOBODY DISCUSSES CAUSE!~
My son, Max is18, college bound, and, very much, his father’s son. Looks, genetics, etc. I WAS going to get him the Menengitis Vaccine (I’ve almost lost a buddy to it, as well) but I’m, now torn.
What is the Secret, here? GBS/CIDP seems to be common enough that some thought to cause and prevention must hasber been given?
Soerry toburden you, glad you are doing better *Thank God) but, your opinion? Doc says I ask to many questions “Just apply for Disability”