Hi TJay

June 12, 2009 at 9:14 am

Hi TJay! I agree with Tim on the sore muscles! Especially after working them out! I know it’s tough trying to decide whether you can work or not work. Not sure what your family situation may be, but I would sit down and talk with everybody and let them all know what you are feeling right now.
I never got to plan for my future and had no choice but to go out on SSD. But if you have that choice and know what to expect then you can sit down with the family and prepare for your future in hopes to make it easier on you and everybody else in the long run.
You might even have to make career changes where you work doing office or an online job somewhere. But at least right now you have that chance to do so! SSD sounds like a good thing and it is for some people. But for some it’s not that great! With the income I make on SSD if anything happened to my husband I would end up having problems financially alone by myself! The income is just not enough to live off of!
But we both are trying to prepare our futures just in case something happens to him! One sick person in the family is enough but we often don’t see our mates getting sick and that does happen and can happen! So you have a choice right now to get things prepared for your future! Good luck TJay!
Linda H

Hi TJay

June 9, 2009 at 12:36 am

Hi TJay! Welcome to the site and we all look forward to seeing you come and join us. Many of us in here have GBS and some just have CIDP and then we have a mixture of other problems with getting diagnosed.
I have CIDP with Lupus along with other health problems added to it! I know GBS can effect the hands and so can CIDP! There are several different kinds of CIDP or causes.
I know in my case my hands and feet both have gotten worse but in the process now of getting treatment.
I hope that your treatment starts working and you get better soon. Sometimes it takes a while for improvements. Sometimes the treatments don’t work and then they have to go to something else.
I think the doctors watching you right now is a good thing. They may be trying to decide another kind of treatment for you.
I wish you well and hope that a miracle happens soon! This stuff can be a real major pain at times. And very frustrating. At least in here you will be able to talk to people and get some good support and have fun also! Great group in here! I think you will like us! Hugs
Linda H