Hi Harry

April 1, 2010 at 10:31 am

Well I guess I am the rebel in the group. I look at staying active as a way to keep the muscles moving. Do what you can do, when you are tired rest. Call ahead with the airline, arrange for Handicap assistance they will meet you at all the gates and transport you. I sent my daughter off to Disney with friends for a week. It was the best thing for her, and the my sanity. She knows her limits. I also send her off to school everyday, granted she comes home and knaps for 4 hours. My phylosophy is the more normal you can keep your life and the more you adapt to the daily goings on, the healthier you will become, spiritually, mentally and physically.
Now I am no doctor this is just my philosophy.

Good Luck Harry,
PS. The beach can be a very healing place all on its own.