Help for caregivers…

March 2, 2007 at 11:58 pm

God bless your daughter, what an angel she is for this family. Looking back, I still don’t know how my husband managed to do all that he did when I was at my worst. He was working full-time, running down to the Mayo every weekend to be with me, dealing with the insurance company, etc. & still taking care of all that I had done at home previously.

It only got worse after I got home as I needed total care. He took 3 months off of work under FMLA, & when that ran out my mother had to move in with us for 9 months. She did help with the cooking & taking care of me during the day, but she was 78, so he was still doing all of the grocery shopping, running errands, cleaning, laundry, bathing me, running me to numerous doctor appt, paying bills, it was endless. Finally we got a cleaning woman, & that helped.

Anything one can do to help is so appreciated. I wish someone would have offered to go grocery shopping for us, or to come over & clean a bathroom once, run a vacuum, take me to a doctor appt. We really should have asked more for help, as he was definitely on overload. One doesn’t realize how much a mother does until she is taken out of the picture; now add her as a person needing total care. I really feel for this family, they need all of the support they can get, & should accept it…