healthy college GBS survivor :)

August 19, 2006 at 8:55 pm

to Steve’s mom and all other worried parents:

I had GBS when I was 6 years old. I am currently a 20 year old in my third year of college. I lived in the dorms freshman year, in an apartment with 3 girls last year, and now, as I transfer, I will be going back into the dorms. I had the meningitis vaccine before I left for college three years ago and I am doing completely fine. I had a very serious case of GBS and so far, I have only had minor problems with reflexes and coordination. I have had no relapes even, post-vaccination. Unfortunately I had a friend pass away due to meningitis in the summer of 2005. I would take a relapse of GBS over losing a loved one again any day.

Thanks for your time and feel free to email me if you have any questions!